Request For Proposal (RFP): Consultancy Service for Developing Gender and disability responsive
Request for Proposal (RFP)
Consultancy Service for Developing Gender and disability responsive /inclusive WASH guide in Rural, Urban, and emergency programs
Population Media Center (PMC), a US-based non-profit organization is seeking proposals from qualified organizations/firms to prepare Gender and Disability Responsive WASH SBC Guide in Rural, Urban, and emergency program with Inclusive of Emergency Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) approaches.
More specifically, the development of Gender and disability responsive WASH guide in rural, urban, and emergency program will address the following issues:
- Address different settings of urban, rural, and emergency contexts.
- Gender and inclusive programing for
- Improved toilet
- MBS (market-based sanitation)
- Social and behaviors change for WASH
- RCCE (Risk communication and community engagement) in Humanitarian settings
- WASH infrastructure construction (both water and sanitation)
- Emergency WASH interventions
- MHH (Menstrual hygiene and management programs
- Urban and rural water utilities.
- And others as needed
- Consult PMC-E staff, MoH, MOWCA and UNICEF professionals during the development of the Guide.
- Undertake KII with relevant WASH government and non-government actors
- Review secondary existing documents that are produced in the past in relation to Gender and disability inclusive WASH interventions
- Gather information/inputs in the meeting place where PMC-E organizes.
- Review literatures related to Gender/disability Responsive WASH Implementation Guide in rural, urban and emergency program.
The consultancy is expected to begin immediately.
The bidder should submit their technical and financial proposals with a sealed envelope to PMC-E, Addis Ababa located around Bambis Mekane Yesus BDG, 7th Floor during working hours within ten working days from the day of this announcement.
Interested and the eligible firm may download the Terms of Reference (ToR) from the Population Media Center website or pick hard copy from PMC-E office located around Bambis Mekane Yesus BDG, 7th Floor
PMC-E reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.