Congratulations to Save the Children on the 2024 United Nations Population Award!

We at Population Media Center (PMC) extend our heartfelt congratulations to Save the Children and the entire National Alliance to End Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Child Marriage in Ethiopia for receiving the 2024 United Nations Population Award.
The Allianceโ€™s incredible work, established in 2012, truly embodies the power of partnerships in action, transforming the lives and well-being of women and girls across Ethiopia. By bringing together government bodies, non-governmental organizations, faith-based institutions, research entities, development partners, and UN agencies, the Alliance has successfully unified national efforts to end child marriage, early and forced marriages, and FGM in Ethiopia
As a proud partner of Save the Children in the fight against FGM, child marriage, and other harmful practices, PMC is honored to celebrate this significant achievement with you. We are committed to continuing and strengthening our partnership, working together to transform norms, advocate for stronger legislation, and improve services for women and children affected by harmful practices.
Together, we have mobilized our networks to bring about meaningful change, and this award is a testament to the impact we can achieve when we join forces.
Cheers to our ongoing collaboration and future successes!
Warm regards,
Population Media Center (PMC)

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