Breaking News: PMC’s BREAKAWAY Project Wins Big at DCA Awards!
We are thrilled to announce that PMC’s BREAKAWAY project has won first place in the Contest & Game category at the Digital Communications Awards (DCA)! This win is a direct result of the incredible dedication, hard work, and innovative spirit of our team, including the fantastic contributions from Natalia Cereser and Wendi Stein. Their unwavering commitment to excellence has truly paid off.
Winner 2023 | Digital Communication Awards 2023 (
Please go down to number 10. Storytelling session to see PMC’s award.
The Digital Communications Awards (DCA) is an international competition that recognizes outstanding digital communication projects. Winning this award is a huge achievement for PMC and a testament to the hard work and creativity of our team.
Our BREAKAWAY project is a groundbreaking initiative that has captured the imagination of audiences around the world. We are proud to have been recognized by the DCA for our innovative approach to digital communications.
We were also shortlisted for the Storytelling category, which is a great honor in itself. This recognition further demonstrates our commitment to creating engaging and impactful digital content.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported us throughout this journey, and we look forward to continuing to push the boundaries of digital communications in the years to come.