UNICEF and PMC-E recently hosted workshop to discuss and validate a gender and disability-inclusive WASH implementation guide and MHH toolkit.

UNICEF and PMC-E have successfully validated a guide, a toolkit for gender and disability-inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) menstrual health, hygiene (MHH) programs, and projects. The validation workshop, held on May 2-3, 2023 brought together technical working groups from various sectors and regions to review and provide feedback on the document.

 Participants at the workshop raised important concerns related to the challenges and issues associated with less effective gender transformative and disability-inclusive directives and rules, duplication of efforts, fragmented and inconsistent service provisions, as well as substandard and lack of all-inclusive WASH and MHH facilities. The guide and the toolkit aim to offer practical and evidence-based guidance on how to implement WASH and MHH interventions that are responsive to the needs and rights of women, girls, and persons with disabilities. They also seek to promote coordination and harmonization among different actors and stakeholders in the WASH and MHH sectors.

The workshop participants appreciated the document and highlighted some of the challenges and opportunities for gender-transformative and disability-inclusive WASH and MHH service delivery in Ethiopia. They also discussed the next steps for finalizing, disseminating, and implementing the document. 

The development process involved a desk review, key informant interviews, and a review of global, national, and sectoral referenced documents, guidelines, and frameworks. The federal government ministries, including the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Women and Social Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Water and Energy, and the Federation of Organization Persons with Disability, were also involved in the process. Ministry WASH actors, 12 Regional and town administration health bureaus, the UNICEF Ethiopia country office, international and local civic organizations, and the federation of association and technical working group members attended the workshop. The validation workshop was a success, and it is expected that the WASH implementation guide and MHH toolkit will be sent to the steering committee for validation and enforcement after incorporating the inputs raised during the workshop.

UNICEF and PMC-E are committed to supporting the government of Ethiopia and other partners in ensuring that everyone has access to safe, adequate, and dignified WASH and MHH services.

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